【默克】美国制药公司默克公司与 “Man-in-a-Van”合作,将健身房引入职场,还包括一位私教。默克公司鼓励员工将工间休息的时间用来锻炼身体,锻炼后员工更有精神,就像喝咖啡的效果一样。
【Gerald Eve】在Vitality Britain的最健康职场调研中被评为“最健康新晋企业”的Gerald Eve,为他们公司的所有员工提供健身房会员卡,还在午餐时间开设员工“跑步俱乐部”。
【Prime People】专业招聘机构Prime People近期翻新了办公室,为员工配备了人体工学椅/站立式办公桌,以及专为护眼而设计的电脑显示器。公司还放置了有助于净化空气的植物,比如虎尾兰和垂叶榕。办公空间的设计让更多的自然光可以照进室内,此外,室内使用“LC Horizon”灯,帮助员工减轻眼睛的疲劳。这些灯可以根据不同房间容纳的人数多少变化光线。
Healthy Project – What is the West doing?
United States of America
Pharmaceutical company Merck partnered with “Man-in-a-Van”, which brings the gym to the office, including a personal trainer. Merck encourages its employees to substitute coffee break with a workout session, as a nice workout can keep workers just as alert as some coffee would.
The Boeing Company puts on annual company-wide physical activity challenges, as well as providing health screenings, fitness and weight management programs, and rehabilitation programs. They also provide healthy eating options at their facilities.
Netflix and LinkedIn both make use of unlimited paid leave for their workers, while also reassuring workers that making use of their worth is fine.
Booz Allen Hamilton, an IT consultancy, focuses heavily on employee mental health, and has created the “Give an Hour” program in order to give employees the embrace of emotional wellness they need.
Zappos, an online retailer website, has a nap rooms and a new program called “Wellness Adventures”, taking small groups of employees to go offsite and do something like a golf session, laser tag, or trampolining. They even have recess sessions every Tuesday. That’s right, they go out and play on a recess field.
Draper, Inc., voted 2014’s healthiest workplace in the US, has a park built into its property, and even has their own monthly newsletter, showing off particularly active members of the company as “wellness superheroes”. The company holds a yearly health fair, walking competitions and even Zumba classes.
American Express Canada launched a “Healthy Living Program”, built on three pillars: energy (nutritional health), strength (physical health) and vitality (mental health and well-being). These pillars are seen in action from what food is offered in-house, events to promote physical and mental wellbeing, a Healthy living Expo, of which 90% of workers visited in 2018. This program also includes a stretching program for the workers to participate in during work and showed increased energy levels and less stress.
SSQ, a life insurance company, has a program known as the “Healthwise Health Passport”. It offers employees personalized nutrition plans, health goals (that result in prizes if they are met), and exercise plans. It also gives changing rooms and showers, so that employees can workout during break and get back to work still fresh.
New Brunswick Power fully adopted the “Total Health” framework, focusing on your Physical, Mental, Work, and Life sectors, to come together as your “total health”. The program is fully supported by the executives of NB Power and plan to incorporate an external communication. NB Power is currently working on a sustainment strategy to continue raising mental health awareness.
The UK
The UK has been relatively slow on the uptake for improving worker health, but many UK based companies have started to adopt health-oriented plans. Deloitte, one of the main four accounting firms in the world, recently rolled out their “Agile working” program for their UK branches in June 2014. This program allows for their workers to choose when and where they work. This program has saved Deloitte a lot of money, due to savings from less need for office space and from less employee training, as workers no longer have to conform to a strict work conditions. Deloitte finds that flexible working hours and location usually gains increased working time from employees, as well as gratitude to the employer.
The British Petroleum Company, or BP, has a 1 million step challenge, in which if an employee reaches 1 million steps on their Fitbit, the employee receives a more deductible health plan. The challenge worked, as in a year, employees took over 23 billion steps.
Britain’s 2018 Healthiest Large-scale workplace was Nomura, a Japanese financial service group who’s core belief is that “Employees are The Nomura Group’s greatest asset.” Right now, one of Nomura’s greatest projects is to support the entrance of more women in the workplace. To achieve this, Nomura launched two employee networks: Women in Nomura (WIN), and Life & Family (L&F). In the past 8 years, Nomura’s female presence as slowly increased, as well as female employee retention. Nomura also pushed a more easily available childcare support plan, which has seen nearly double the usage now compared to in 2011.
The Wellcome Trust, a British science research foundation, is equipped with meditation rooms, in-house masseuses, and even a barbershop. They also offer a complimentary gym membership to all their workers. This year, the Wellcome trust prepared a four day work week for their entire foundation. This is due to smaller research stating it drastically lowers stress, while quality and work output remained at a suitable level. This plan would have been on a much larger scale than the previous research, however, the company scrapped the plan, citing it being unfair for a percentage of their employees. However, 12% of UK companies currently offer a four-day work week, according to the 2018 SHRM employee survey.
Gerald Eve, named 2019’s “Healthiest New Entrant” in Vitality Britain’s Healthiest Workplace Survey gives all their workers a gym membership, as well as featuring an employee “running club” during lunch hours.
Tideway, a contracting company, has regular blocking for local doctors and dentists for their employees, so that they may visit without an appointment and stay healthy. They also offer gym memberships and sporting events to participate in. Their offices give yoga and pilates classes and neck massages. Workers volunteering for charity or school events are given time off. Their headquarters features multiple quiet spaces, faith rooms, and gender inclusive toilets.
Prime People, a British specialist recruitment firm, recently invested in a complete refurbishing of their office, including ergonomic sit/stand desks and PC monitors designed to promote eye health. The company also makes use of purifying plants, such as Snakey Sansevieria and Ficus Benjamina. In addition to a large amount of natural light being let in, the company makes use of “LC Horizon” lights, for employee wellbeing and to further reduce eyestrain. These lights include a lighting change feature for using the room in different capacities.
Other European Countries
Porsche’s automotive factory in Leipzig, Germany, has been mapped out with an ergonomic traffic-light rating system. In doing this, managers can assign hour-long shifts, making workers rotate from station to station. Having workers spend a minimal amount of time on ergonomically unsound areas is for the best, and keeps workers doing new things, keeping their minds healthy.
BMW’s largest factory in Europe, located in Dingolfing, Bavaria, has its workers use “collaborative robots”, which help with physically demanding tasks, increasing worker life of employees.
Cesena, Italy’s Technogym Village is widely regarded as the healthiest head office in the world, and its no wonder why with how much they offer in-house. Just outside the main office is the staff gym and spa. The gym features all of the regular machines you’d find in any gym, as well as personal trainers, however, staff can become “wellness ambassadors” by fronting classes, such as Tai Chi. The facility also includes a full restaurant, in which a full meal cost around 7 rmb. In the office, employees sit on wellness ball chairs and have large amounts of natural light coming through.
Putting this Information to Use
Most of the companies shown are extremely wealthy companies, either with enough money to blow on anything and everything, or putting money in the most important areas. What is important when incorporating western programs into your company is to find cost-effective solutions.
Most companies do not have the money or space to fit a track field into their property but can afford an in-house food option. The issue arises with the cost of healthy habits. Healthy foods are often more expensive than alternative foods that are worse for you, but ch eaper. Employee events are easy to set up and cost next to nothing for the employer, step tracking challenges or other small challenges can keep your workers healthy physically and psychologically. If your business is near a gym, consider offering a membership there, and if your office is near a park, consider installing a shower and changing room, it will incentivize workers to stay physical, since they can wash up and be fresh after some time in the park.One thing not mentioned by a lot of companies is lighting. If natural lighting is too expensive, consider the implementation of special hued light bulbs, which produce different effects at different hues. Offering ergonomic chairs would cost the company a little but be effective in the long run. Offering employees, a flexible work time and location could cut costs in office space, while keeping workers happy and loyal to the company.
These are just some ideas that a company can incorporate at a smaller scale compared to these companies. However, some of these programs, like the one carried out by Pizza Express, can be carried out exactly as they were implemented. There is a lot of places where any company can improve for the sake of their employees. Any expenditure towards them is money back for the employer, as seen time and time again in the West.
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